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DMC A2LA-0499-01

American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)

Decker is accredited by the A2LA — among the largest accreditation bodies in the world. The A2LA is dedicated to the formal recognition of competent testing and calibration laboratories (including medical laboratories), biobanking facilities, inspection bodies, product certification bodies, proficiency testing providers, and reference material producers. A2LA has over 4,000 actively accredited certificates, representing all 50 US states and more than 50 countries.

For a current listing of A2LA’s accredited organizations, please search the A2LA Directory of Accredited Organizations


  • Membership with A2LA empowers organizations like Decker Manufacturing to participate in the development of new accreditation standards, network with others working in the quality industry, gain valuable knowledge and training in new industries, and support and promote quality and public safety.